My Greatest Adventure: The Doom Patrol Story
An (unexpected) follow-up to my X-Men: By Chris Claremont post, today I (Ethan Stranger) will be discussing another team of Comic oddballs whom I find even more relatable within the Aspergers Community, for they are DC’s Doom Patrol (The World's Strangest Heroes). Doom Patrol debuted in within the pages of the anthology series known as “My Greatest Adventure #80” in June of 1963, created by writer Arnold Drake & the unknown Italian Artist Bruno Premiani (3 months before the debut of Marvel’s X-Men), in fact, there have been many suspensions (even by DP creator Arnold Drake) that X-Men co-creator Stan Lee somehow manages to rip-off X-Men from Doom Patrol, even if they’re similarities between both teams, they’re major differences, like X-Men was created to tackle the real-life themes like racism, prejudices, and hate crimes (read more on my X-Men: By Chris Claremont post) while the Doom Patrol was a team of oddballs who went on bizarre/wacky adventures (while being out...