The Mighty Thor: By Mark Gruenwald
Before being best known for his decade-long run on Captain America, his Squadron Supreme Limited Series, and his 5-year run on Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), The Late/Great Writer, Mark Gruenwald was both writer and editor on the Mighty Thor Title (thus let’s explore that): Teaming up with “ Ralph Macchio (not the Karate Kid Actor)”, the duo would team up to write several issues of Thor (including serving as an editor (for Thor #297 ) and a writer (for Thor #299 ) during Writer Roy Thomas’s Eternals saga, Picture: Top Left Corner ), then starring with Thor #300, both Gruenwald and Macchio would continue to work on Thor, within #301 (Picture: Top Right Corner), the duo introduces large pantheon of various gods from different mythologies (which would later serve as the inspiration for “Thor: Love & Thunder” , in a way). The duo would continue to work on the Thor (but mostly wrote the “Tales of Asgard” backup features within those issues), later on, Gruenwald h...