Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour 1 ½🧚 ⚛ Into the Nicktoon 🧡Verse

2 Nicktoon reviews in one blog post, well I feel like it’s time that I (Ethan Stranger) take a trip down memory lane, to an event that had long fascinated my concept for the Multiverse (in general), long before any of the Marvel/DC comics multiverse story arcs would fascinate me with their conceptual takes on the Multiverse, that’s right, I'll be talking about “Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour trilogy” and how such a trilogy would later inspire a young blogger (such as myself) into writing his own Nicktoon Multiversal fanfiction many years later (same goes to other Nicktoon fans). However, the 1st time I ever witness a Nicktoons crossover (that wasn’t like a promo for the channel when growing was in 2003s Rugrats Go Wild (Picture: Bottom Center).     

However it wouldn’t be until a year later (2004) that Nickelodeon took a gamble in crossing over 2 different Nicktoons (one 2-D and the other 3-D), both with different personas (one was a boy genius and another had fairies for godparents), but both would always find themselves in a nutshell, but in the end, they always find a way to resolve their situations (but at a cost at times), however, what would’ve happened “When Worlds Collide” and that’s where the  Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour special came into play (Picture: Bottom Center).

(Cue Music: SpongeBob’s When Worlds Collide, that’s what I felt like these crossovers were missing)  

A year later (2005), I’ll never forget whenever on TV the ad for this Video Game (Picture: Bottom Center), and this was long before the big epic Marvel Movies (though to be fair, I never played the game, I do remember when I was young and at the YMCA, I did briefly played the “Nicktoons: Globs of Doom”, for the record, I'm not a big video gamer, expect on computer games (like Lego Star Wars)...

(Click to replay the Nicktoons Unite Trailer)

And yet, I always asked myself what was taking so long for there to be a Nicktoons-styled Crisis on Infinite Earths Movie event and now I see why…and it all has to do with what Spongebob Squarepants’s creator (Stephen Hillenburg) said about crossovers, he said: 

“he hated the idea of SpongeBob having a crossover episode with another cartoon. This is because he believed that crossovers would not work out, due to the series taking place underwater and SpongeBob would be considerably smaller compared to other cartoon characters, as he is only four inches tall”

The only time Spongebob and Friends would crossover is mostly within Nickelodeon Promos and Video Games, but that hasn’t stopped other Nicktoons shows (and even shows outside of Nickelodeon) poking fun at SpongeBob (besides the Nicktoons unite! The video game worked around what Stephen Hillenburg said about “Spongebob” not being able to crossover with other Nicktoon characters, as Jimmy Neutron gave him a self-regenerating moisture to keep him healthy” and he wasn’t 4 inches), see anything can be possible within a Multiverse (or should I say a “Nicktoon-Verse)?

(click to listen on why SpongeBob won’t “truly” crossover with other Nicktoons),

Also feel free to read my “I’m A Goofy Goober: The SpongeBob (Birthday) Post💛”.

That kinda explains the “SpongeRobert RectangleShorts” from Welcome to the Wayne (Picture: Top Center), also feel free to read my “Welcome Back…to the Wayne 🧡. Point being is that the Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour trilogy was a game-changer and it should’ve encouraged Nickelodeon to have Timmy Turner and Jimmy Neutron to explore the so-called Nicktoon-Verse, as crossovers (or parodying) open the doorways to creative imaginative possibilities, besides Timmy and Jimmy don’t have to travel to other Nicktoon-related shows (if can’t possible), they could simply travel to alternate universities based around their realities (Picture: Bottom Left Corner) and would I (Ethan Stranger, Picture: Bottom Right Corner) be there to narrate it all (similar to Marvel’sThe Watcher), while that would be fun (for me, Ethan Stranger), the odds of that happening are slim (expect in Fanfiction)...

-I think crossovers can be really, really, exciting. But they have to exist for a reason…

(Alex Kurtzman) 

It wouldn’t be til years later (following Nickelodeon buying the rights to the TMNT franchise) that we got the 2012 TMNT encountering their 1987 Counterparts (even though the 2003 TMNT Series did a crossover with their 1987 Counterparts in the 2009 Turtles Forever TV Movie), this trans-dimensional Turtles episode (Picture: Bottom Center) from the 2012 TMNT series does have those Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour trilogy-style vibes (as it features CG characters meeting their hand-drawn 2-D characters, though I still felt like there was more potential to see with this concept) and the adventure would continue with the 3-parter episode (Wanted: Bebop and Rocksteady) during the 5th season of the 2012 TMNT Series.  

(Click here to get a taste of the 2012 TMNT meeting their 1987 Counterparts)

(Plus feel free to read my “Cosmic Side of TMNT and TMNT: Rise Posts”)

As for the future of a (possible revival) of a new Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour trilogy, it seems very unlikely, following the disaster of that “Planet Sheen series (Picture: Bottom Center)”, there’s been no word on whether or not Nickelodeon would wanna try and reintroduce the world of Jimmy Neutron to a new audience, while Fairly Oddparents has now begun a live-action series (Picture: Bottom Left Corner), highly doubt that’ll lead to a Live-action Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour event, while an upcoming Danny Phantom Graphic Novel (Picture: Bottom Right Corner) is on the horizon, if successful, perhaps Nickelodeon can reintroduce Danny Phantom for a newer audience (not sure if Butch Hartman would be on board with that) or I don’t know if he’s read my “Danny Phantom: into the Phantom-verse” post (or any of my Nicktoons-related posts)...    

Speaking of Butch Hartman, he did create this crossover of his Nicktoons shows he created:  

However, I would later discover this clip from an episode of Fairly Oddparents where Danny Phantom's Bully (Dash Baxter) had a cameo appearance within the episode, thus made me wonder if a variant version of Danny Phantom exists within the Fairly Oddparents (but as a child actor instead of a crime-fighting ghost boy) and what if…Timmy Turner variant existed within Danny Phantom’s universe (but without his Fairies), if both Danny Phantom and Timmy Turner existed within the same universe (despite being created by the same creator), why was there never a crossover between the 2 until crossover special Butch himself create (even having Danny Phantom mistaken Timmy’s fairies for Ghosts)?!

(Besides it would’ve been awesome to see Cosmo and Wanda go up against Desiree, Picture: Bottom Center)

(Drew Desiree myself)

(Click here to watch Dash Baxter’s Fairly Oddparents cameo clip)

And now back to the point on whether or not (within Nickelodeon’s future) either Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour deserves a revival (maybe even in Comic book form, that’s one way to do a Nicktoons-styled Crisis on Infinite Earths Event), but of course, there’s always the Fanfiction to fall back on, besides I believe the Nicktoons unite! Video game deserves the Rehydrated treatment (like that SpongeBob game: Battle of the Bikini Bottom) or maybe a new Nicktoons unite!-styled video game should be made (for a new generation):

(Click to Watch Butch Hartman’s Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour 4 concept)

(Click here to Watch how Butch Hartman came up with the Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour concept)

I (Ethan Stranger) will still always enjoy my Nicktoons fanfiction that I’ve written over the years (maybe someday I’ll share it on my blog), besides the only time I’ll probably get involved with the Nicktoon-Verse is if any of these gals are involved (Pictures: Bottom Center), wrote blogs about them, so check them out sometime…

(Ethan Stranger signs off…but encourages Y’all to think about the concept of “Worlds Colliding”, as it leads to infinite possibilities, maybe it could lead to another Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour-style event, cue music):

Let's see if my cousin (B.Ryan) could recreate the “When Worlds Collide '' music video (with him as a caveman and his G.F. as some sort of Seven of Nine-Styled Gynoid) or have my other cousin (Ann Y.A.) be Seven of Nine and her “Caveman of a man” to reenact the music video (choice is theirs)... 


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