Marvel’s What if…Episode 8

After a week's vacation, I (Ethan Stranger) have returned to blogging, continuing on reviewing Marvel’s Animated What if…series, now reviewing a very “sad episode” which features “Ultron haven succeeded in conquering the world”, many fans have called this episode “The Age of Ultron Movie” that we finally got and deserved…

This Age of Ultron episode (alongside 2015s Age of Ultron Movie) is loosely inspired by the 2013s Age of Ultron comic event (Picture: Bottom Center), thought that comic may share the same name with the 2015 movie, it had little to do with the actual comic story itself (besides Ultron being the big baddie), while in the what if…episode, Ultron managed to transform Earth into a dark destructive world (with only Black Widow, Hawkeye, and A.I. Armin Zola) the only survivors, though I kinda wish that this what if… episode borrowed more from the storyline (featuring other survivors battling Ultron and his drones), because have difficulty to believe that there no other survivors (like the ancient one or the Pym family), plus when Thanos arrives makes me question on how he could’ve gotten the 1st 5 infinity stones (but then again it’s an alternate universe)...  

(Click here to watch “Infinite Ultron destroy all life”)

To be fair, after 1st seeing this concept art (Picture: Bottom Center), I thought it was just Ultron, what caught me off guard for a minute was seeing Vision's head, thus I thought that perhaps Ultron and Vision have merged in some way (I mean Vision looks like a knight in shining armor with that Ultron Look covering him). I only wish we saw more of the Avengers put up a fight against this Robotic Hydrid (as we quickly saw the heroes defeated and Iron Man begging his creation to kill him…but still does). There’s still the unsolved question of how Thanos was able to get the other infinity stones before his death…

(Click here to watch Ultron kill Thanos and take the infinity Stones)

(Click here to Watch Ultron beat the crap out of the Watcher), 

He had some interesting things to say like  “All those worlds, all that suffering and you just  Watched”, and the Watcher replies “I swore an oath, I cannot exert my will to the natural order of things…I cannot intervene”, makes me wonder if the lord almighty himself would say something similar (for there are some like me who believe in him), while there are others who don’t and even if you don’t, you ever know if in the future he might seek aid from them who believe in him (and then maybe he’ll grant you “a wish”). The Watcher should be grateful that Infinite Ultron didn’t consider constructing a wife of his own (maybe it should a bit like “Indigo/Brainiac 8” from CW’s Supergirl, Picture: Bottom Center”)

Plus Don’t Worry about the Infinite Ultron, for the Watcher has a plan up his sleeve…

(Click here to watch the Watcher and Supreme Strange work out a plan)...

What if…(Ultron/Vision) Scenario-based Stories: The part of the blog where I talk about various other Multiversal possibilities concepts within the animated series (who knows, maybe these tales could either be made into actual comics or episodes for the animated series), and remember…anything is possible in a multiverse (thus allows us to get creative in a twisted way). 

  1. What if…The Avengers battle Ultron without The Vision: Imagine what would’ve happened if the Avengers managed to prevent Ultron from ever creating “The Vision”, perhaps some elements from the Famous Ultron Storyline (Ultron Unlimited, Picture: Bottom Left Corner) could be incorporated into this alternate reality (like the big final battle from Age of Ultron was inspired from this storyline), though none of the Avengers from the movie weren’t really beaten that badly and we never hear Thor say “Ultron: We would have words thee (Picture: Bottom Right Center)”. Plus instead of Sokovia, Ultron lays waste to Wakanda (thus in the aftermath of a hard-won victory, how would the destruction of Wakanda affect Black Panther’s relationship with the Avengers), as well as an Avengers team without the Vision

(Read more of my “Avengers Assemble: by Kurt Busiek and George Perez” Post)

  1. What if…The Vision went absolutely Cosmic: The Vision himself has had 2 notable What if…stories from the comics (Pictures: Bottom Left and Right Corner), but there’s an Avengers Stroy arc known as “Absolute Vision (Picture: Bottom Center)”, with some changes, like instead of a merging with an alien computer (ISSAC), The Vision (after haven accidentally shot down War Machine during the events of Civil War), becomes corrupted by the mind stone and goes on a hunt for the Infinity Stones, killing anyone who stands in his way (like the Ancient One, Collector, Xandarians, Asgardians and even sacrifices Wanda to get the soul stone), having all of the infinity stones, vision attempts to bride the Avengers into thinking that he can solve all of the world's problems now that he has all of the infinity stones (like getting rid of Thanos), thus this leads the Avengers (and other allies) into battling him (meaning Thanos battle in this Reality).          

  1. What if…Howard Stark created Ultron: Within this Alternate MCU reality, having lost Captain America and discover the Tesseract, Howard Stark (Picture: Bottom Left Corner) decides to create Ultron with help from the Eternal, Phastos (Picture: Bottom Right Corner), which in the end leads to disaster. By the early 1950s, the world is a destructive robotic world (half of it conquered by Ultron), however, there was a Resistance fighting against it (and later would be the ones discovering Captain America). Ultron’s prime goal is locating “The Emergence” so he can harness the power of the Celestial (Tiamut the Communicator) from the center of the earth, believing it to be the key to unlimited power that could reshape the entire universe in his image… 

Resistance members: Bold Urban Commandos (Steve Rogers/Captain America, Isaiah Bradley, Bucky Barnes), Synthetic man (Jim Hammond/Human Torch), Black Panther (Azzuri the Wise), Iron Man (Howard Stark), Edwin Jarvis, A Preteen Hank Pym, A Wheelchaired Peggy Carter, Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Union Jack (James Montgomery), Jim Morita, Dottie Underwood, Crimson Dynamo (Anton Vanko), Thor, Loki, Lady Sif, Warriors 3 and the Eternals (Sersi, Phastos, Druig, Kingo, Ikaris, Sprite, Makkari, Starfox alongside Pip the Troll)

  1. What if…Ultron was created by the US Government: Inspired by an early story idea for the 2015s Age of Ultron (Picture: Bottom left corner), imagine within an alternate MCU reality, it was ThunderboltRoss and the US government who decided on creating Ultron (in case the Avengers either go rogue or want to create something that’ll better protect the world than the Avengers), thus resulted in Ultron who turned rogue and the Avengers stopped, how, it was secretly revealed the terrorist organization known “The Secret Empire (Picture: Bottom Right Corner) ” was responsible in manipulating the government into creating Ultron, knowing the Avengers would defeat, but it the secret empire’s way of delivering a message of demonstrating "the cost of victory” to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (which will affect them badly to the public), could it lead to the Avengers disbanding for good within this Alternate MCU universe or for something much worse?

  1. What if…Ultron battled Thanos: Within the What if…episode, we just saw Ultron (now in Vision’s body) slice, Thanos, in half very quickly, but within an alternate MCU universe, imagine what would’ve happened if Thanos invaded earth during the events of 2015s Age of Ultron and did battle against Ultron and his drones (and what would be the aftermath of this attack, perhaps Thanos could find a way to the merger with Ultron)?


(click here to watch an idea of the Ultron vs Thanos battle)

     6.  What if…Tony Stark created The Vision 1st: Imagine what would’ve happened if Tony Stark created the Vision 1st (instead of Ultron), perhaps this version of Vision would become more of a pacifist and becomes somewhat of a co-worker at Stark Industries and later constructs his own family (similar to within Tom King’s The Vision Comics, picture: bottom Left Corner). The Vision’s persona will be more loosely based around “Star Trek’s Data and the Doctor”, however with Vision, not a superhero and haven built his own family, perhaps HYDRA would continue being a threat to this Alternate MCU universe and later seek the aid of the “Masters of Evil (Picture: Bottom Right Corner)”, led by Baron Zemo (who’s more like his comics counterpart), but hey, at least there’s no Ultron to worry about, right?  

(Click here to witness the Avengers vs the Masters of Evil)

MCU Masters of Evil Members: Baron Zemo (Leader), Crossbones, Mandarin, (Wenwu), Abomination, Klaw, Batroc, Machete, Blackout (Marcus Daniels), Blizzard (Donnie Gill), Wrecking Crew, Erik Killmonger (killed by Abomination), Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (later joined the Avengers), Mr. Hyde, Porcupine, Razor-Fist, Shocker, Titania & Taskmaster


 So who else wants to share there What if…Scenario-Based Stories  (Based on Ultron/Vision-related)

Until Then…Ethan Stranger says…Excelsior…and has interesting questions

Imagine if Marvel and DC decided to go another big crossover comics events 

(Similar to the one Kurt Busiek and George Perez wrote)

Imagine the unlikely pairing of Ultron (Marvel) and Brainiac 8/Indigo (DC)

How would Laura Vandervoort (Indigo/Brainiac 8) react to such a crossover,

As both Non-human beings wanna see the Earth destroyed and the human race wiped out?


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