Neurodiversity Revolution
Hello Everybody, may I (Ethan Stranger) be the 1st to say (after the Holidays):
It’s been a while since I’ve discussed anything that’s “Asperger-related”, and with it being another new year, I (Ethan Stranger) thought it was time to try and once again resume this sort of topic, but before I do, I (Ethan Stranger) will now (within this post) stop using the term “Asperger’s”,
As I later learned that “Asperger’s” has no longer been used since 2013 and that its name origin, came from Austrian psychiatrist (Hans Asperger), who had a history of working with Nazis also “Asperger’s” sounds a bit too much like “Ass-Burgers”. So from now (if I do a future post regarding the topic of being on the Spectrum, I’ll simply use “Neurodivergent”), again I do apologize for not catching on to this sooner
(Read a bit more about Hans Asperger in my “Asperger’s throughout the Ages” Post)
(Read these articles to learn more on why the term “Asperger’s is no longer used”)
So now that’s out of the way, allow me to talk more about the surrounding future within the “Neurodiversity community”, as other communities (like the LGBTQ+ community) have been receiving more attention on the news, like recently, the US House passes this Marriage protection law for the LGBTQ+ community (big score for them, congrats to the LGBTQ+ community)
(Read more about that LGBTQ+ law getting Passed)
But what about a new law (or at least something new) for the Neurodiversity community, for this is the fact a “Disabilities act”, However, Americans with disabilities are a significant minority group within the US, making up a fifth of the overall population and over half of Americans older than eighty. There is a complex history underlying the United States and its relationship with its disabled population, with (in a somewhat way) great progress being made over the last century, to better improve the livelihood of disabled citizens through legislation providing protections and benefits, thus leabing the big question, is this enough?
A quote that the College teacher mentioned is this (regarding the disabilities act):
“ I’m thinking of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was only passed (I think) in 1990. Before then, no one had a real obligation to include people with disabilities in public life, so we needed to “modify the blueprint” (i.e., the law) to make sure that they could”
(Read more about the Disabilities act here)
He does make a point, as times have changed within the Neurodiversity community and so far, I (Ethan Stranger), who’s on the spectrum, have hardly seen any changes, for I’m still struggling within Today’s society, even my Mom worries on how others would react to me whenever I’m in public, however, I just wish she would accept me for you I am and not worry so much on how others view me, I am for you I am and would just stop forcing me to change…
I know how I’ve mentioned how I wouldn’t talk about Politics (though I have with such posts like “The Alliance: Aspergers & Politicians and The Biden/Harris Era: A New Hope for America”), but I am hoping (either sometime within this new year or within the future), they “modify the Disabilities Act”, for the greater good (which includes better aid and care to help those with Autism and ADHD, like me (Ethan Stranger), to better move around within our busy society), for those areas require more attention and guidance.
If not, then I’m afraid the Neurodiversity community would have to start a revolution on its own,
Ripping a page from an (alternate) George Washington and Friends (From Netflix’s America: The Motion Picture), what will it take (if not a revolution) to make society better for the Neurodiversity community?
But then again, Blue Falcon would show up and say something a bit like…
(Fine, we’ll keep it PG (Blue Falcon), we’ll have Cap and Korg give a speech on kickstarting a Neurodiversity Revolution)...
(Hopefully, Herb Alpert’s Rise encourages the Neurodiversity community to really start up a Revolution)
(Unless there's another way to convince the US Hosue to pass an updated version of the Disabilities Act)
(For who knows how long it’ll take for changes within the Neurodiversity community to really truly happen).
(Ethan Stranger Signs off…and hopes to see the start of a Neurodiversity Revolution on the news someday)
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