The Alliance: Aspergers & Politicians

I know that I (Ethan Stranger) had said that “The Biden/Harris Era: a New Hope for America Post” would be my only political blog post, but I decided to bring this matter up, as so far (with other more important things that are happening throughout the world), I just wanna make sure that there is something being done about those with disabilities (like Autism, Aspergers, neurodevelopmental disorders, physical disabilities, etc), as we can usually struggle to adapt and join society in itself as The worst thing about having Asperger’s (or any disability) is that no one sees how much we struggle in this continuing crazy game called…life.                                                                                       

    While I understand that there’s already an autism rights movement, I feel that there is still a lot more to be done, not only in the US but in the world in general. Politicians should do more for the Asperger community (in general as a whole, like getting more involved). Talking about this reminds me of the hard time I experienced in Community College, I’m not going to go into detail, because I've done that on other posts (read more on my Growing Pains: College Edition Post), but I will leave a recommendation - I do NOT advise you taking any course online, especially if you have any learning or other difficulties, it will be very hard to face.

                                                                                              So I’ll always remember what my advisor from Community College said to me whenever I was living in Peru (at the time): “Sorry, but you can either take courses in Peru or just enjoy the time off from school while you are there”. That’s where I feel like Politicians should/could come in by adjusting or proposing new laws that help create adapted educational programs for everyone that needs them (like trying to make online courses more accessible or more sensible for those on the spectrum or with any disability, pretty sure there already are methods like that), but will it work for everybody? (Probably not, as every single person out there is different and has its own set of strengths and areas of improvement).

                                                                              Plus I feel like Politicians should work hard on developing new programs for those on the spectrum, as special places like the STEPS program, ABA or Autism Speaks have been known to lead the world on the wrong path, believing that Neuordivegent people are a plague to the world & that we need to be cured or fixed, but that isn’t the true case, instead, we (the Neurodivegent community) for too long have been ignored or misguided by various organizations or people who make too many promises, well…all of this should have been dealt with years ago & now finally (there are some, like Greta Thunberg) who are taking a stand (while she’s an environmental activist, she’s also an autism activist). In times like this, The Neurodivegent community often needs people (like themselves) to look up to (to give them a sense of hope) & that we need a symbol to look up to as well (ain’t that right, Indigo (Brainiac 8)? I’m saying this because not every Neurodivegent person looks up to Politicians.

Here’s an interesting quote found (Picture, Right), “Do Politics Cause Autism” (the simplest answer is NO), but what Politicians should do is allow the neurodivergent community to have their voices be heard (Picture, left), as a lot of pressure is being put on us & that it’s time for a real change within society itself.

       To be honest, I don’t even know if there are neurodivergent Politicians (if there were, wonder why they never stepped up & tried to make changes of their own for the neurodivergent community - or maybe they have and I haven’t heard of it), perhaps they know that maybe they’re not enough to make these changes on there own or fear that their ideas will not work amongst a neurotypical community. With more serious matters upon us, a matter like this will go unnoticed & my fear is that it might never get resolved. We (the neurodivergent community) must unite neurotypical communities together (if we’re to see a bright future down the road ahead).   

Although this may seem like a longshot (highly doubt that Biden or Harris would ever read this), but if they do, I hope that they’ll see that an alliance between Aspergers & Politicians isn’t a bad idea & that it’ll open more doors for within the Neurodivergent Community (such as new opportunities, job offers & better programs that’ll help anybody with a disability, aiding/guiding them throughout life). It will also be positive for the neurotypical community as embracing differences will always make us all stronger in the long run. It’s a longshot, but we gotta try, right?

Ethan Strangers Signs off 

(Hoping One Day, Greta Thunberg knows that I’m on her side)


  1. Well written! I like the way you have woven your thoughts together. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!


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