Marvel’s What if…Episode 6
This episode of What if…felt more like a 30-minute-ish styled movie (with combined elements of 2008's Iron Man and 2018s Black Panther), however after watching the 2nd trailer for What if..Series (as well as several TV Spots), I was having my theories surrounding this episode (seeing a hero and a villain working side-by-side), you have to admit, that’s a pretty interesting experiment to see (cause how often do you see play out within comics), especially whenever a so-called heroes origin gets messed up by the presence of a villain (who uses his big ego to his advantage for his own schemes), to be honest, I kinda wish this alternate universe dived deeper into this war between the US and Wakanda (especially when Killmonger later shows his true colors by killing both Tony And James Rhodes), how it would affect the formation of the Avengers (I don’t even know if SHIELD is aiding General Ross in the war against Wakanda) or if Captain America will ever get unfrozen or if Loki will really invade earth?
(Click here to witness “Killmonger rescuing Tony Stark”)
Before the episode debut, I thought originally that Tony Stark might’ve managed to survive his deadly encounter with Killmonger (after showing his true colors) and he himself (not Thunderbolt Ross) lead the Liberator Drone attack on Wakanda (in which Killmonger leads the charge on), thus later on (haven gain the trust of the Wakandans), he would’ve attempted to manipulate both Tony Stark (who’s not Iron Man in this dimension) and The Black Panther into meeting together and then kill them both (thus setting his plan into action, into forcing both the US and Wakanda in giving more drastic measures in their ongoing war).
(Click here to Watch Killmonger exposing Obadiah Stane)
After watching this clip, I felt like they were making Tony Stark (still like his egotistical billionaire playboy genius) not smart enough to figure out Killmonger until it’s too late (after he killed his best friend, James Rhodes) and how Obadiah Stane was (briefly) seen and treated (as least he doesn’t die like his Main MCU counterpart), where he failed to shush Killmonger from exposing him (makes me wonder why Stane couldn’t try to bring a Ten Rings assassin to kill him at the press, why not poison Killmonger with a drink), Obadiah Stane shouldn’t figure out that the presence of Killmonger was completely off and should’ve tried to avoid shushing Killmonger in front of a large crowd (seriously, that looked childish for a grown man).
While there was more to explore in this episode (especially more of the partnership of “Killmonger/Stark”), but as Tony Stark would say (Read the quote: Picture Bottom Center), Besides (as I Mentioned within my “Marvel’s What if…Episode 2”), I kinda wish the events within this episode all happen within the “Starlord T’Challa universe (Picture: Top Center)” (because with T’Challa in Space, taking over Wakanda would’ve been so much easier for Killmonger, with or without Stark’s help and nobody would’ve been killed). Shame they never show what became of the Killmonger in the Starlord T’Challa universe (maybe he did live a happy life and forgot all about Wakanda).
And for the Record, I understand what Killmonger feels, as he feels like the kingdom of Wakanda should do more for the world (in a more aggressive approach). In a way, Wish the world would do more for the Neurodivergent Community (that doesn’t involve going overboard like Killmonger), thus instead the Neurodivergent Community should try to rip a page from T’Challa’s book (Picture: Bottom Center), but then again there are some within the Neurodivergent Community who prefer to rip a page from Killmongers book (click on the video to listen to his message):
What if…(Wakandan) Scenario-based Stories: The part of the blog where I talk about various other Multiversal possibilities concepts within the animated series (who knows, maybe these tales could either be made into actual comics or episodes for the animated series) and remember…anything is possible in a multiverse (thus allows us to get creative in a twisted way).
What if…Howard Stark waged war against Wakanda: Imagine (within an alternate MCU universe), the ancestors of Stark began vial enemies to the nation of Wakanda (and to those who’ve to don the Black Panther mantle), thus cut forward to the events of WWII, where Howard Stark presents Captain America (Steve Rogers) with his Vibranium shield (Picture: Bottom Left Corner), but after Cap gets frozen up and lost, The Black Panther (Azzuri the Wise, Picture: Bottom Right Corner) comes to the states, demanding Stark to return that Vibranium shield (as Azzuri claims it was stolen from Wakanda), despite Howard Stark not having the shield, Azzuri gives a deadline to (at least) return whatever Vibranium he’s stolen, but instead Howard Stark decides to use his encounter with the Balck Panther as an act of war and decides to wage war against Wakanda (How would war against Wakanda during WWII affect the nation in the present day)?
(Click here to witness Panther battling Cap over the Vibranium shield)
What if…T’Chaka brought Killmonger back to Wakanda: In this alternate MCU timeline, T’Chaka (after killing his bother, N’Jobu), T’Chaka does take the young Erik Killmonger back to Wakanda (while lying to him about his father's death), thus this alternate timeline will show us on how things would’ve looked like had the young Killmonger grew up alongside T’Challa and Shuri, thus the events of 2018s Black Panther Movie could happen very different (even introducing characters from various Black Panther comics), perhaps similar to the events from 2011s Thor Film, with Jakarra (Picture: Bottom Left Corner) playing the role as “The Destroyer”, The Black Musketeers (Picture: Bottom Center) as sort of the “Warriors 3” and Monica Lynne (Picture: Bottom Right Corner) as a “Jane Foster-type character”.
What if…T’Chaka didn’t kill N’Jobu: in another alternate MCU timeline, T’Chaka frees Killomgers unknown American mother from prison (thanks to a tip from Uncle James/Zuri), but T’Chaka does instead end up brainwashing his Brothers family (making N’Jobu and Killmonger forget everything about Wakanda and the mother forget about her rescue from the King of Wakanda), similar to what happened to the “Klingon Kurn from Star Trek: DS9 (where he had his memory wiped and started a new life)”. Unlike Kurn, Killmonger didn’t have a happy life (despite having both parents by his side), as he grew up, he never became a NAVY SEAL and instead formed a radical Militant African-American gang (Dubbed: The Thunderbolts, that appeared in Daredevil #69) and began a smear campaign against the Avengers (due to their lack of diversity and preferential treatment over heroes of color), a concept theme that was kinda explored within Kurt Busiek and George Perez’s Avengers Run (Picture: Bottom Center), Check out my “Avengers Assemble: By Kurt Busiek and George Perez” post for more info
What if…Killmonger joined the Avengers: Inspired by a bit of Christopher Priest’s Black Panther run (Picture: Bottom Right Corner) and some aspects from within this What if…episode (where Killomnger staged/manipulated the US and Wakanda into war with each other), but managed what would’ve happened if it was The Avengers (alongside Killmonger) who led the charge against the Wakandans. In another alternate MCU timeline, The young Killmonger and his unknown American mother were present on the day when T’Chaka took N’Jobu back to Wakanda to face the council for his crimes. While growing up, this alternate Killmonger becomes an agent of SHIELD (instead of a NAVY SEAL) but also manages to buy up some Vibranium from Klaw to create his own Black Panther costume (while also observing and going through SHIELD’s files about the Avengers team Nick Fury had assembled). This Alternate universe can also explore “What if…Quicksilver had lived, What if…Captain Marvel joined the Avengers after the “Age of Ultron Event” and What if…Thor and Hulk never left the Avengers”), thus brings us to the opening of “Captain America: Civil War”, where Killmonger (donning his own Black Panther suit) jumps out of nowhere to aid Cap and his Avengers from allowing Crossbones to explode himself and later manage to convince Secretary Ross in dropping the Sokovia Accords (as Killmonger needs all of the Avengers on board for his ulimate plan to invade Wakanda and resume his father, but 1st needs to gain their trust), as he’s shown to “kill his enemies (like Klaw)”, which anger his new fellow teammates, but goes tot eh extreme when (after watching several videos) travels to Queens, NY where he tracks down/battles “Spider-Man (who’s still donning his 1st homemade costume from Spider-Man: Homecoming)”, the end results in Spider-Man in critical condition (even his costume rip to sheds and Web-shoots crushed), thus Cap confronts Killmonger, but are later interrputed by the arrival of Black Panther (T’Challa), who demands Cap to surrender Killmonger to him, but Killmonger ends up battling/killing both heroes and stages everything like both Cap & T’Challa killed each other, thus, Killmonger wields Cap’s shield and becomes “The American Panther (Picture: Bottom Left Corner)(Who’s an entirely different character within Marvel Comics)” and later leads the Avengers into invading Wakanda (in the hopes to rescuing his father from Wakandan custody), leading to the event of “What if…The Avengers invaded Wakanda”. This What if…The story draws inspiration from the “What if…Infinity Comic (Picture: Bottom Center)”, where Thanos manipulated the Avengers into helping him kill his son (Thane), which led to Captain America learning the truth and battling the mad titan, but Thanos ended up killing Captain America and taking his shield, a similar story approach could happen within this alternate MCU reality (but with Killmonger replacing Thanos)...
What if…Wakanda was at War with the 10 Rings: Within this Alternate Universe, N’Jobu allies himself with The Mandarin and the 10 Rings (instead of Klaw), thus when T’Chaka (Picture: Bottom Left Center) confronts N’Jobu for his crimes against Wakanda, The Mandarin (Xu Wenwu)(Picture: Bottom Right Corner) appears, attacks and kills T’Chaka (and even Uncle James/Zuri), then takes N’Jobu and Killmonger back to the 10 Rings HQ, this could result in T’Challa take over as both King and Black Panter (at a young age). After learning about his Uncle N’Jobu betraying Wakanda and the 10 rings being responsible for the death of T’Chaka, the young king leads Wakanda into an ongoing war against the 10 rings, thus (skipping ahead into the future), during the (alternate) events of 2013s Iron Man 3, Black Panther allies himself with Iron Man, Iron Patriot (James Rhodes) And (Later) Shang-Chi to battle “The (Real) Mandarin (Xu Wenwu), N’Jobu and Erik Killmonger” from destroying Wakanda and taking over the world
So who else wants to share there What if…Scenario-Based Stories (Based on Wakanda-related)
Until Then…Ethan Stranger says…Excelsior…and remember (for the Neurodivergent community), Killmongers words for encouragement…
But then again (like T’Challa would say), “was it worth it…”?
(click here to watch)
P.S. if Tony Stark thought that “Killmonger” sounded German, try saying “Kotyuk (what is that, Greek)” or “Kokkosoulis (what is that, Polynesian)”, because a name like “Kokkosoulis” sounds more like a name you'll give to a cartoon dinosaur auditioning to be the new mascot for cocoa puffs…
(Fun fact: they all start with "K", looks like this post was brought to you by the Letter "K" and the number...I'll let you decide)
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