What if…For REAL!!!!

“Reality is not a straight line. Every passing moment is a chance for a new offshoot, a new variation. In fact, there are more realities than you can possibly fathom. An infinite number of “What ifs” (Yeah…I was kinda repeating the monologue from Marvel’s What if…Featurette)”: 

And that’s because Today I (Ethan Stranger), who has been doing several “What if… Related Posts”, have decided to take a crack at discussing the possibility of “What if…” within Today’s Society (and a similar concept would be “Should Haves: Thinking what you should have done instead”), because the Multiverse is a concept in which we know frighteningly little, but more we know about this concept, then I believe the Multiverse could be the key for a brighter future…   


(Click here to check out this Youtube Channel, explaining several examples of real-life What ifs) 

Perhaps what inspired me to this bizarre/fascinating concept were such Comic book events like “DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths and Marvel’s 2015 Secret Wars”, as they dealt with various heroes trying to save themselves and their universes from destruction, before finally, the remaining heroes unite as 1 to fight a powerful foe (responsible for the destruction of the Multiverse) or dealing with Incursions (in which one universe colliding with another), but luckily (in the end), new universes remerge and the multiverse itself is reborn. 

(Click here to learn more about “Marvel’s 2015 Secret Wars Event”)

(Click to learn more about “DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths”)

Other interesting concepts that are like the Multiverse include: 

-Omniverse: The entire set of co-existing universes, multiverses, etc

-Metaverse: a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users


Now that I’ve explain my fascination for the concept of the Multiverse, allow me to explain on why the concept should be looking much further than just another scientific discovery, for does anybody ever wonder that maybe somewhere out within the multiverse, a variant of yourself is “having a much better life than the one you are living, right now in this universe”, which brings up such the “Should Haves: Thinking what you should have done instead” concept, which helps kickstart so many infinite what if ideas within your mind, for have you (in general) ever wonder on how different your life would’ve been if you didn’t do this 1 thing in your life (because even the tiniest decision can make the biggest chances to you within an alternate universe), sometimes it’s for the greater good, thus you feel like you’re like “Maxwell Lord (Picture: Bottom Right Corner)”, or sometimes even in alternate universe, another variant of you is suffering the same fate that you’re going through within our universe, thus “making you feel like Dr. Strange (Picture: Bottom Left Corner)”, because you wish you had everything you ever wanted (just like everybody else), but you don’t and that could lead to “depression, loneliness, PTSD or any type of mentla illness”, besides where’s the happiness of being alone?!     

(“Lonely…I’m Mr. Lonely, I have nobody for my own”)

The problem within this universe (in my opinion) is it’s too much filled with “The Rich and the Powerful”, like this alternate version of “ADAM and the EVE” (Picture: Bottom Center), as you can see “One is a (Beautiful) genius, the other’s (handsomely) insane, and before each night is done, their plan will be unfurled, by the dawning of the sun, they’ll take over the world”, and in a way, they did, by showing off how successful they can be and inspire others (who aren’t me) to find there happily ever after so quickly within an ever-changing world and (like Joker) ever have time to think on what’s it like to be the other guy and guide him or her on a path of untold riches and no worries about everyday struggles in life (just like the lord did with them), could they do that? 

Though oftentimes, I wish I could rip a page from “Evil Morty (Picture: Bottom Center)”, where he literally worked hard to escape to a dimension where there were no Ricks, and what do you know…he actually did it, he’s finally free. I can totally relate to that and want to escape to another dimension where I’m not surrounded by people “Like that “ADAM and the EVE” (Picture: Top Center), where I go at my own pace, just be myself, and not be forced to compare my success within life to others (because that’s what leads to mental breakdowns, arguments from within families and wishing you had a portal gun to escape to another universe and there for the rest of your life, leaving your old life behind),

Such a concept would make a cool episode for “The Twilight Zone”, 

I remember they did something similar, but it was done with a Swimming pool

(Click to watch bits of the Episode, an alternate universe within a swimming pool)

(Click here to watch Evil Morty escapes to a dimension where Rick isn’t the Smartest man alive)

However, I believe that the best way for those all alone and wishing that they have the same better lives, without going completely insane and trying to invite a portal gun to take them to another dimension (for we are still years away from that kind of technology) is for starters, don’t allow yourself to compare your life status to people like “Adam and the Eve” (Picture: Bottom Center), as my friend Big Bill would saysometimes is that you have your own path in life to follow (you don't have to copy anybody else), Just pray that everything will come into place for you eventually” or as a friend (Crystal Estev) would say “There’s no set to the time for when you should get married, it’s hard in this day and time, just be happy with the position you are in and soon, you’ll find your happily ever after, just like everybody else, but it’ll come in your own time, there’s no rush”. 

While these are good pieces of advice to keep in mind, is it true to “find happiness while alone (for a while before finally finding yourself in a strong relationship), tell that to “Adam and the Eve”...   

J.Jonah Jameson: When will People wake up and realize that wherever Adam and the Eve go, chaos and calamity ensue, for everybody wishes they were living the good like them, only to fall short and mentally breakdown, questioning “who they are in life (and why are they even here)? Everything that Adam and the Eve do or say either comes to ruins (like from The Umbrella Academy’s White Violin and Leonard Peabody)…Odin Help us!

But do not fear peoples, for there’s a ray of hope, one that shall unite humanity and save the multiverse (for those you have seen Bill and Ted: Face the music will know what I mean), for somewhere down the line within our future, the legendary Band (Modular Sun) will rise up with a song that shall overpower “Adam and the Eve”

(Hey Mike Noir, It’s your friend, Ethan…Ethan Stranger, you know that new sound your band (Modular Sun) looking for, one that’ll unite humanity before the space-time continuum  is destroyed, well listen to this):

And now it’s time to talk about several various other Multiversal possibilities concepts within today’s society and mine too (who knows, maybe these universes could actually exist if we ever really discover the Multiverse or if a certain concept occurs in the far-off future, similar to how certain Simpsons episodes predicted the future), and remember…anything is possible in a multiverse (thus allows us to get creative in a twisted way). 

(Click to listen to all the times the Simpsons predicted the Future), 

Are secret Time-Travellers writing these episodes, if so, they must know the Series' own fate coming soon 


  1. Universe of Superpowers: Inspired by Marvel’s New Universe line back in the 1980s, imagine what would’ve happened if, out of nowhere, a mysterious light in the sky struck the earth and caused half its population to gain any type of superpowers, the question is, how would the other half react?

(Click here to learn more about Marvel’s New Universe)

  1.  Coronastrophy! Universe: For those you have read my Corona-Trilogy posts (Coronastrophy!, Streets of COVID, and Vaccinating a World), imagine what would’ve happened if the COVID-19 pandemic lasted longer than usual (as COVID isn’t as big as it was before) and the Vaccine took even longer to develop, things would’ve ended up a bit more similar to that 2011 film (Contagion), because in that movie (following quarantine), there was panic buying, widespread looting, and violence, but from my experience with the COVID-Pandemic (besides panic buying), there wasn’t a lot of looting nor heavy violence 

  1. Humans Living among…Universe: In the world of Media, there have been such concepts showing Humans living among other races like “Cartoon Characters (Who Framed Roger Rabbit), Anthropomorphic Animals (BoJack Horseman), Puppets (Happytime Murders), etc”,  thus what would happen if humans lived among another kind, in my opinion, I wouldn’t mind living among cartoon characters (maybe finding romance in a cartoon lady would be interesting)  

  1. Far Beyond the Stars: Inspired by the anime Series (Cowboy Bebop), imagine if an alternate universe, humans were forced to flee earth and colonize The Moon, and other planets within our solar system or left our known solar system to explore deeper into the cosmos…    

  1. An Illuminati controlled-World: Inspired by Dr. Strange: in the Multiverse of Madness, imagine what would’ve happened if (Instead of Presidents), the entire world was run by “The Illuminati”, judging by the utopia world seen on Earth-838, I’m sure within our society (somewhere in the future), could an Illuminati-based organization make the world a better place?        

(Click to refresh your memory of the Illuminati from the multiverse of Madness) 

  1. Power to the Neurodiversity Community: Inspired by Marvel Comics House of M storyline, Imagine an alternate universe where Neurodiversity Community is the ruling majority (the only way for that to happen in our society is if a Neurodivergent was elected president)    

6 ½ .  America: The Untold Historic Accurate Version: Inspired by Netflix’s America: The Motion Picture film, imagine if an alternate universe, the history of America happened a bit more like that movie (it’s like watching Mel Brooks teach a history class, in a very fun way)   

(Click to watch the trailer for “America: The Motion Picture”)


  1. Born (and Raised) in Juneau: As I mentioned in my “Joys of Juneau Post”, I was born in Juneau, AK, but raised in the suburban area of Austin, TX, having watched several old tapes of my brief time in Juneau (when I was only a baby), I ask myself on how my life could’ve been different had my “NOT MOVE TO TX”, I probably would’ve attended the UAS more in-person, would’ve spent a lot more time with my Dad’s side of the family whenever they came for a visit (for they’re from Oregon), made entirely new friends and would’ve worried about trying to be like everybody else and would’ve just been myself, going on my own pace and feeling (perhaps) a bit happier

  1. 2 Races, Same Person: As a Biracial person, I’m Peruvian-American, but I often wonder what would’ve happened if my parents had never met, but I was stillborn but had split in 2 like There would’ve been a Peruvian version of myself (living in Peru) and an American version of myself (Living in Juneau), wonder if any other Biracial person has had that same theory ever since

  1. Married at a young age: I often wonder what would’ve happened if I actually got married at a young age. Having watched this video from BoJack Horseman, on how slowly his parents went from being happy to bitter (ever since he was born), I wonder (had I gotten married at a young age) that could’ve been my life (though I don’t see any young couple struggling like them) 

  1. To Quit Band (or remained Playing the Trumpet for life): I’ve written a lot of blog posts about my time in High School, though I wonder what you’ve happened had I quit the band (either during my middle or high school years) or what if…I continue playing my trumpet (even after my HS graduation), as I no longer play trumpet, Heck, I could’ve become a great trumpeter (like Louis Armstrong) and then perhaps a great composter (in my own right) and met my favorite composer of all time (James Newton Howard)  

  1. Stayed in Nepal: I’ll never forget how shocked I was when I learned that a Band friend of Mine had a sister (who might resemble Marvel’s Silver Sable) living in Nepal, I’ve mentioned within my “Navigating Nepal” how I survive in such a place like Nepal for 2 years and was an Extra in 2016s Dr. Strange, but ever since I went back there for a vacation (Read about it in my “Navigating Nepal II: Welcome to the Jungle”, I now wonder on what would’ve happened had I stayed longer in Nepal (even I’m friends with this nurse who quite surprisingly still living there), but it’s part of her job (she works where my Dad used to work at during our time in Nepal)     

  1. Began life as a Child Actor: This one seems a bit far-fetched, but I often question what would’ve happened had I not lived a normal life and actually started out as a Child Actor, though I have read stories about Child actors eventually struggling within the entertainment business, leading them down a path of darkness with hardly no recovery  

6 ½ . Not a World Traveler: This one I’ve fought for a while, for I wonder what would’ve happened had I not joined up with my parents in Nepal and that would’ve led me into kickstarting a never-ending traveling experience for me. So had I never traveled the world, I obviously would have never been an extra in 2016s Dr. Strange, probably I would have struggled in ACC (as usual), though I would’ve hung out more with my friends, then maybe enjoyed my time at that Art Studio, where I could begin my idea publishing earlier and maybe started online courses at the UAS even early (and maybe even suggested to live with my Grandparents, to help them keep their house before eventually, my Grandpa would pass away). Me writing this down makes me think of that ending from “2016s La La Land”, where it should be on “what could’ve been for Those 2 lovebirds”, why couldn’t BoJack show more of that kind of an ending, had he managed to save Herb from getting kicking off Horsing Around, that could’ve been the start of a good life for him ahead, thus I will always hate those kinds of things (those “Should Haves: Thinking what you should have done instead”), they always have a tendonous to hit me really, really hard…       

Man-O-Man, was this a challenging post to do, for I had to explain why I believe the concept of the multiverse can help those “who wish for a better life, wanna be happy and finally find their own happily ever after”, which is why the concept of the multiverse is the way to go, for it can act as an escape from our reality and plunge ourself in a new world, and ask yourself this:  

A new universe, interesting discovering, a fresh start, why wouldn’t you be happy, remember when Brian and Stewie Griffin traveled the Multiverse, that sure was one helluva ride, anybody would be interested in taking such a ride if a multiversal device were made (for now enjoy the Road to the Multiverse Theme):  

Now, if you don’t mind, I (Ethan Stranger) am teaming up with Spider-Girl (Picture: Bottom Left Corner) to save the Multiverse from “Adam and the Eve” and like Little Maven (and Yondu) would say “Why STOP at 1 world (Picture: Bottom Right Corner), when we can show you all them” (better and improved ones) won’t that be nice? 

(Enjoy Marvel’s What If…Season 1 Trailer)

Don’t Forget that Both Captain Carters encourage you to save the Multiverse from Incursions,

And feel free to share your own ideas of alternate universes (either based on yourself or within today’s Society)  

And like the song goes, Everybody wants to Rule the world:

In the Loving Memory of Dane A 🙏


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